"You can't eat this, you can't eat that"
I met with my nutritionist, TeNeal last night. I was really ready for her to tell me "you can't eat this, you can't eat that". It was actually the complete opposite. Many of the meals I eat already are not too far off from where I should be. I just have it all backwards and lumped into 2 meals. I have a crazy, hectic morning getting my family off to start their days. I tend to skip breakfast all together, unless I am drinking my "Starbucks style" coffee loaded with sugar and french vanilla creamer. I eat lunch around 12:30 and then dinner at 6:30. I don't really snack too much in between. This apparently is not helping my metabolism. Instead I will be eating MUCH more! I will be eating breakfast at 7, snack at 9:30, lunch at 12:30, snack at 2:00, snack at 3:30 (to make sure I'm ready to work out), workout at 4:30, 5:30 snack, 6:30 dinner. My breakfasts will be heavier than my dinners (which is completely backwards to how I was raised). On top of ALL that food, I will be drowning my self in water. My water bottle holds 20 oz of water and I will be downing at least 5 of those while at work and then after my workout I will be replinishing all of the water I lost to keep from being dehydrated.
My breakfast this morning was actually pretty great. I was so glad it didn't turn out to be a Pinterest fail. I had muffin pan eggs. I am SUPER excited about these because I have chickens, so eggs are a surplus in my house. I can add vegetables, turkey, cheese, etc... to jazz these bad boys up. Also, it is FAST and EASY to prepare these ahead of time. I ate mine on my 37 minute car ride to work this morning along with my water. These are definately a must try!
Tonight is my first one on one fitness session with Sarah (the badass that I might kinda be scared of). I am excited to go, but I feel like it might be one of those nights that is a lot of fun, but I will be feeling it in the morning. Sort of like a GOOD hangover I guess. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow if I am able to lift my arms to type.
Cheers!!! To drinking a swimming pool worth of water today!